Howard University Students on/off campus seeking emergency assistance with transportation, funeral expenses, storage fees, housing assistance (rent), care packages, non perishable food and supply donations.
Please Note: Our Services are based on the amount of monetary and in kind donations we receive.
We understand that there are financial inequalities within our own community. Throughout the Pandemic, we learned quickly that direct cash assistance is a simple, respectful, and effective way to help people.
Why mini grants?
We all need- and deserve- a comfortable place to live, decent clothing, and nourishment.
We all know that for some emergencies, cash might be the only solution.
In Reality sometimes, a little cash can go a long way to help avoid a financial catastrophe.
The money we provide has no strings attached;
We trust recipients will use the funds in ways that are best for them.
How does this work?
We will never have enough money to meet everyone’s needs; the best we can do is to respect everyone involved by making the process simple and transparent.
Who gets It?
We provide funds on a “first come, first served” basis.
In extreme cases we do not require documentation, justification, or explanation.
Bison in need let us know they have a financial emergency that cash assistance can solve.
How is it funded?
We are a 501(c)3 organization,
Our ability to provide funds depends completely on the community who choose to donate.
We are currently eligible for grants, and we have started the application process for several.
This is about Bison Supporting Bison
100% of the money we raise goes to community members in need
How does the cash get to recipients in need ?
We have a system of providing Cash, using Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp etc. to direct funds to recipients in need.
We make the system as simple as possible while still using best practices for managing cash transactions.
How are things going?
Early in the pandemic we were able to provide hundreds of Bison with grants ranging from $100-$500 each.
Since then the fundraising has drastically declined and we are focus primarily on Rent Assistance.
We are in the process of revamping the program and will announce our new policies and procedures, along with all our financial information, in early 2024 We expect we will be providing a smaller amount so we can reach more people.
40% of the Charitable Contributions to our Organization come from Bison who didn’t graduate “on time” or Bison who didn’t finish at all. This speaks volumes because it means we have a herd who is dedicated to making sure that this current Generation have a little more financial support. What we do only works because of community.